Is It Time to Strip Paul Krugman of His Nobel Prize?

Can they Strip People of the Nobel Prize?

Wait…Not sure, but they can strip titles.

James Watson famously lost lost his titles for stupid, unscientific statements. Watson shared the Nobel in 1962 with Maurice Wilkins and Francis Crick for their 1953 discovery of the DNA’s double helix structure. He made derogatory comments related to the intelligence of certain races and lost his titles.

Has Krugman Surpassed Watson in Stupidity?

Krugman, on January 21, 2024, submitted the obligatory plug for Big Pharma in an attempt to gaslight everyone into believing that Ron DeSantis hurt people because he did not kneel to the Marxist Totalitarian dictates of Krugman’s insane Party.

He got rightfully cooked by Elon Musk and many others…

This is Not Nearly the Worst of Krugman’s Calls…

His Ridiculous 2021 Inflation Call:

In a prior tweet in 2021, Paul Krugman sacrificed anything he may have contributed to the study of economics on the altar of Leftist ideology.

In an attempt to convey allegiance to his Party, Krugman committed himself to a vain attempt to present how inflation will benefit the poor. The stupidity of the statement is astounding!

Of course, in 2024, we can now look at the outcome of this experiment, and no matter how much the Left attempt to change definitions, see (Terminology Matters – Redefining Unemployment, Recessions, Marriage, and Man), the suffering of the poor as inflation has run rampant is undeniable.

However, we didn’t have to run the experiment. At the time, anyone with a 12 year old’s understanding could have told you what inflation would do to the poor.

As Secessio Plebis scorched Krugman:

“You’re a worse economist than my 12yr old, Krugman. You think low income families have fixed rate debt that gets inflated away? They either have no debt, or money, with increasing costs, or usurious short term debt. When they turn off the heating, do you think they like the cold?”

Finally, We Have Krugman’s Absolute Dumbest Call:

“By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s.”

Why is Paul saying these things?

(from my Mixed Market Artist)

It is very simple. He is making the worst job of science. He has a bias, and he is hellbent on confirming it.

He is motivated to support his party and their ideology because this behavior enriches and insulates him. He may have been committed to truth at some point, but now as can be plainly seen – he is committed to defending his Dear Leader’s regime.

It’s time for Krugman to be stripped.

The central planning “intelligentsia” have no practical knowledge. 

You can hear more on this subject in Excessive Moderation. Learn about how innovator Norman Borlaug saved billions of lives as theorists like Krugman typed with their fat fingers.